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Tips on posting wanteds

Support / Post a Wanted / March 12, 2018

Be specific

The more detail you provide in the wanted the better your replies will be. Provide specific detail of the skills or services you are looking for. 

Ask a specific question

To quickly determine who has taken the time and read your wanted fully before replying we recommend you ask a specific question and check to see if your reply contains the answer. An example might be to include a link to their portfolio in their reply. We have even seen some wanteds request they put the word YELLOW at the top of their reply so they instantly know they have read the wanted properly.

Be considerate of people's privacy

Do not request users email you direct or go to a specific website. Our users must initially reply via a Wantedz message. If however they are happy to provide their email address or other contact information at this time you may continue to communicate direct. 

No links or email address

Additionally the detection of an email address or web link will instantly prevent your wanted from being sent out to the communities you selected. It will instead be flagged for review and manual edit if found to contain such links.

Follow the rules

Your wanted will be flagged and removed reasonably promptly if it doesn't follow the rules. To avoid having it removed and risking being instantly banned - please make sure you read and follow the rules.

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